Saturday, September 26, 2009




/a/ - Aa
/e/ - Ee
/i/ - Ii
/o/ - Oo
/u/ - Uu
/ɨ/ - Yy
/b/ - Bb (m)
/p/ - Pp (f)
/m/ - Mm (n)
/n/ - Nn (n)
/d/ - Dd (m)
/t/ - Tt (f)
/g/ - Gg (m)
/k/ - Kk (f)
/r/ - Rr (n)
/l/ - Ll (n)
/ʐ/ - Жж (m)
/ʂ/ - Шш (f)
/s/ - Ss (f)
/z/ - Zz (m)
/f/ - Ff (f)
/v/ - Vv (m)
/j/ - Jj (n)
- h (adjective marker only, no sound given)


Nom- o, a, e j, aj, ej
Dat- odi, ati, eni doj, taj, meji
Gen- ozu, asu, enu zoj, saj, meju
Acc- ogy, aky, eny goj, kaj, mej


Gender- Mas(o, cons.) Fem(a, u) Neut(e, i, y)

man-vodo Pl

Nom.- vodo vodoj

Dat.- vododi vodozoj

Gen.- vodozu vodozoj
Acc.- vodogy vodogoj

woman-satu PL

Nom.- satu sataj

Dat.- satuti satutaj

Gen.- satusu satusaj
Acc.- satuky satukaj

child-meli PL

Nom.- meli melej

Dat.- melini melimeji

Gen.- melinu melimeju
Acc.- meliny melimej

I - je
you - ji
he/she/it - On, An, Yn
we - jer
you (For.) jir
they - yni

Nom.- je, ji, on, an, yn, jer, jir, yni
Dat.- jeni, jini, ondi, anti, ynni, jerni, jirni, ynini
Gen.- jenu, jinu, onzu, ansu, ynnu, jernu, jirnu, yninu
Acc.- jeny, jiny, ongy, anry, ynne, jerny, jirny, yniny

the verb is congigated to number and the marker of tense is added to the front of the noun.

Pres. -
marker- ш(i)

sig cong. for "m" ending verbs remove "m"

"" for "n" add ot

"" for "l" remove and add jo

PL cong. for "m" ending verbs add i

"" for "n" add y

"" for "l" e

EX: love- Tiшem
singular- Tiшe
PL- Tiшemi

EX: hate- Karon
singular- Karoot (oot= owt)

EX: eat- mul
singular- mujo
PL- mule

Past. -
marker - ro
for past cong. leave

EX:love- Tiшem

I loved you.
roje tiшem jiny.

Must match gender number and case.
The endings depend on the letter occurring befor the vowel. if it is fem cons you get oh, uh, ih, joh

if it is mas cons you get oh, uh, yh, joh

if nueter cons you get oh, ah, eh, joh

Adjective endings

Masculine- oh
Feminine- uh, ah
Neuter- ih, eh, yh
Pl- joh

EX: Young- Litroh
mas fem fem neu. neu neu. pl.
nom. Litoh Lituh ah eh Litih yh Litjoh

dat. Litoho Lituhu aha ehe Litihi yhy Litohjo

gen. Litohi Lituhi ahi ehi Litih yhi Litjohi

acc. Litohj Lituhj ahj ehj Litihj yhj Litjohj

EX: Old- Isloh

mas fem fem neu. neu neu. pl.
nom. Isloh uh Islah Isleh ih yh Isljoh

dat. Isloho uhu Islaha Islehe ihi yhy Islohjo

gen. Islohi uhi Islahi Islehi ih yhi Isljohi

acc. Islohj uhj Islahj Islehj ihj yhj Isljohj

to make an adverb remove adjectival ending and put double
no pronounciation differance.


op - of (gen)
kit - to (dat)


just messing around with morphological things :D

I love it sooooo much!!!

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