Ññ - /ɲ/
Nn - /n/
Tt - /t/
Dd - /d/
Rr - /r/
Kk - /k/
Vv - /v/
Ff - /f/
Śś - /ʂ/
Źź - /ʐ/
Ss - /s/
Zz - /z/
Ll -/l/
Yy - /j/
Xx - /x/
j – marker of a soft final consonant if the consonant is voiced it stays as such if unvoiced stays as such.
Ii - /i/
Íí - /ɨ/
Îî - /ɪ/
Ee - /e/
Êê - /ɛ/
Aa - /æ/
Áá - /ɐ/
Uu - /u/
Oo - /ɔ/
Ëë - /jɛ/
Öö - /jo/
Üü - /ju/
Ää - /jɐ/
oi - /oi/
ai - /ɐi/
When a consonant cluster occurs (such as ‘vs’ )the voicing happens right to left so the instance ‘vs’ sounds like /fs/.
Palatalization occurs when one of the ë, ö, ü and ä follow a consonant. Ñ cannot be palatalized.
Consonant clusters can happen in up to 3.
á and í only occur after alveolar sounds (i.e. t, d, n, r, l, s, z)
Divoicement of the final voiced consonant occurs.
No gender with nouns.
Nouns end in consonants including ‘j’ and front vowels (i, e, a). (in nominative)
Nominative –Subject
Genitive – Possessive ending
Prepositional – indirect object and object of prepositions
Accusative – Direct object
English Word | Nominative | Genitive | Prepositional | Accusative |
Flower | füra | füraf | fürata | füralá |
Cloud | volke | volkef | volketa | volkelá |
King | roi | roif | roita | roilá |
Sand | kum | kumof | kumta | kumlá |
Swan | lávutj | lávutöf | lávutät | lávutölá |
To make the plural just add –o after the case maker.
ex: I love the flowers – füraláo
In the nominative of the ‘j’ endings nouns to goes to ö not o, because the j and the o combine.
They are irregular in ending for nominative they do not end in the normal endings in declension either.
English | Nominative | Genitive | Prepositional | Accusative |
I | ako | akin | akin | akin |
You (singular) | ti | ti | ter | te |
He/she/it | ês | ixm | ixr | ês |
We | êmes | mas | mas | mas |
You (plural) | ön | meka | êd | nö |
They | fer | fem | fem | fa |
Adjectival ending is -tíë
Adjectives also decline.
English Word | Nominative | Genitive | Prepositional | Accusative |
Red | vêrmeltíë | Vêrmeltíëf | vêrmeltíët | Vêrmeltíër |
Yellow | kolantíë | Kolantíëf | Kolantíët | Kolantíër |
Green | zöldtíë | Zöldtíëf | Zöldtíët | Zöldtíër |
Pink | vlekurtíë | Vlekurtíëf | Vlekurtíët | Vlekurtíër |
White | vantíë | vantíëf | Vantíët | vantíër |
Noun List:
Flower – füra
Cloud – volke
King - roi
Sand – kum
Swan – lávutj
House – nümba
Man – virs
Woman – sevete
Boy – êleve
Girl – file
Dog – kutśe
Cat – koria
Adjective List:
Red – vêrmeltíë
Yellow – kolantíë
Green – zöldtíë
Pink – vlekurtíë
White – vantíë
Blue – blátíë
Big – maxtíë
Small – pêtitíë
Tall – visoktíë
Short – krátíktíë
Good – zoëtíë
Bad – xalvtíë
Verb infinitives are -iñ, -eñ, -oñ
To form the present tense you add the nominative pronoun to the end of the verb.
ex: muniñ – to trust
I trust you = muniñako te
The king trusts her = roi muniñês ês
To form the past tense you add firs the past tense marker -iks then the nom. Of the pronoun.
Ex: I trusted you = muniñiksako te
To form the future you add the conjugated form of the to be verb plus the infinitive.
To be - vutiñ
vak | vas |
vit | vnö |
vês | ver |
Ex: I will trust you = ako vak muniñ te
To form the conditional tense you add the past marker to the conjugated to be plus infinitive.
ex: I would trust you = ako vakiks muniñ te
Verb List:
To trust – muniñ
To hit – veteran
To call - zvanitoñ